
State-wise varieties of Rapeseed: Mustard Crop notified under seed act from 2008 to 2019

State Recommended Varieties
Assam NRCYS 05-02, YSH 0401
Bihar NRCYS 05-02, YSH 0401, 44 S 01
Delhi Pusa mustard 22 (LET 17), Pusa Vijay (NPJ 93), Pusa mustard-24  (LET-18), Dhara mustard hybrid 1 (DMH 1) Hybrid, RB 50, RGN 145, Pusa Tarak, Pusa mustard 25 (NPJ 112), NRCDR 601 (DMR 601), Pusa Mustard 26 (NPJ 113), RGN 229, RGN 236, PBR-357, RLC-2 (ELM 123), Pusa Mustard 28, Coral 437, PR 20061 (Pant rai 19), PBR-378, LET-36, LET-43 (PM30), RH 0406, Raj Vijay Mustard-2 (JMWR 08-3), Divya-33, RH 0749, PM 29, GSC 101, Gujarat Dantiwad Mustard-5, Jwala Tara
Gujarat Jwala Tara, Jobner Tara (RTM-1351)
Haryana Pusa mustard 22 (LET 17), CS 56 (CS-234-2), Pusa mustard-24 (LET-18), GSC-6 (OCN-3), Dhara mustard hybrid 1 (DMH 1) Hybrid, RB 50, RGN 145, Pusa mustard 25 (NPJ 112), NRCDR 601 (DMR 601), Pusa Mustard 26 (NPJ 113), RGN 229, RGN 236, PBR-357, RLC-2 (ELM 123), Pusa Mustard 28, Coral 437, PR 20061 (Pant rai 19), PBR-378, RH 0119, LET-36, LET-43 (PM30), RH 0406, Raj Vijay Mustard-2 (JMWR 08-3), Divya-33, RH 0749, PM 29, GSC 101, Giriraj (DRMRIJ31), Gujarat Dantiwad Mustard-5, Jwala Tara, CS-58, Jobner Tara (RTM-1351)
Himachal Pradesh NUDB-26-11, Him Sarson 1 (ONK 1)  
Madhya Pradesh NRC HB 101, NRCHB506(Hybrid), Pusa Mustard 27 (EJ 17), LET-43 (PM30), PM 30, RVM-2, Jwala Tara, Raj Vijay Toria-1
Marathwada & Vidarbha region of Maharashtra Jobner Tara (RTM-1351)
Odisha NRCYS 05-02, YSH 0401, 44 S 01

Pusa mustard 22 (LET 17), CS 56 (CS-234-2), Pusa mustard-24 (LET-18), GSC-6 (OCN-3), Dhara mustard hybrid 1 (DMH 1) Hybrid, RB 50, RGN 145, Pusa mustard 25 (NPJ 112), NRCDR 601 (DMR 601), Pusa Mustard 26 (NPJ 113), RGN 229, RGN 236, PBR-357, RLC-2 (ELM 123), Pusa Mustard 28, Coral 437, PR 20061 (Pant rai 19), PBR-378, LET-36, LET-43 (PM30), RH 0406, Raj Vijay Mustard-2 (JMWR 08-3), Divya-33, RH 0749, PM 29, GSC 101, Giriraj (DRMRIJ31), RLC-2, Gujarat Dantiwad Mustard-5, RLC-3, BJC-1 (PC-6), Jwala Tara, CS-58, Jobner Tara (RTM-1351)
Rajasthan Pusa mustard 22 (LET 17), CS 56 (CS-234-2), Pusa mustard-24 (LET-18), Dhara mustard hybrid 1 (DMH 1) Hybrid, NRC HB 101, NRCHB506(Hybrid), RB 50, RGN 145, Pusa mustard 25 (NPJ 112), Coral PAC 432 (Hybrid), NRCDR 601 (DMR 601), Pusa Mustard 26 (NPJ 113), Pusa Mustard 27 (EJ 17), RGN 229, RGN 236, PBR-357, RLC-2 (ELM 123), Pusa Mustard 28, Coral 437, PR 20061 (Pant rai 19), PBR-378, LET-36, LET-43 (PM30), RH 0406, Raj Vijay Mustard-2 (JMWR 08-3), Divya-33, RH 0749, PM 29, PM 30, RRN 573, GSC 101, Giriraj (DRMRIJ31), Gujarat Dantiwad Mustard-5, Jwala Tara, Jobner Tara (RTM-1351)
Uttrakhand NRC HB 101, NRCHB506(Hybrid), Coral PAC 432 (Hybrid), Uttara, Pusa Mustard 27 (EJ 17), LET-43 (PM30), PM 30, Pant Rai-21, Jobner Tara (RTM-1351), Pant Hill Toria-1 (PT-2006-4), Pant Toria-508, Pant Sweta
Uttar Pradesh NRC HB 101, NRCHB506(Hybrid), NRCYS 05-02, YSH 0401, Pusa mustard 25 (NPJ 112), Coral PAC 432 (Hybrid), Pusa Mustard 26 (NPJ 113), Pusa Mustard 27 (EJ 17), Vallabha Taramira1 (PUT 93-11), Vallabha Taramira2 (PUT 93-1), LET-43 (PM30), PM 30, JK Samridhi Gold (JKMS-2, JK Pukharaj (JKYS-2), Bayer Mustard 5450, Jwala Tara, CS-58 Jobner Tara (RTM-1351)
West Bengal NRCYS 05-02, YSH 0401, 44 S 01
North Eastern Hill States Pusa mustard 22 (LET 17), GSC-6 (OCN-3), NUDB-26-11, Him Sarson 1 (ONK 1), Dhara mustard hybrid 1 (DMH 1) Hybrid, RB 50, RGN 145, Pusa mustard 25 (NPJ 112), NRCDR 601 (DMR 601), Pusa Mustard 26 (NPJ 113), RGN 229, RGN 236, PBR-357, RLC-2 (ELM 123), Pusa Mustard 28, Coral 437, PR 20061 (Pant rai 19), PBR-378, 44 S 01, LET-36, LET-43 (PM30), RH 0406, Raj Vijay Mustard-2 (JMWR 08-3), Divya-33, RH 0749, PM 29, GSC 101, Giriraj (DRMRIJ31), RSPN 25

Characters of notified varieties of Rapeseed: Mustard

Indian Mustard

Variety Year of Release Yield Potential (Kg/ha) Oil content (%) Recommended states/regions situations Safety features/traits
Pusa mustard 25 (NPJ 112) 2010 1324-1654 36-41 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Rajasthan, Western Uttar Pradesh Suitable for early sown irrigated conditions, high temperature tolerance at juvenile stage
Coral PAC 432 (Hybrid) 2010 1831-2581 40-42 Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Rajasthan Hybrid
NRCDR 601 (DMR 601) 2010 1939-2626 39-42 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Rajasthan Tolerant to salinity and high temperature at sowing time
PYS-1 (Pant Pili Sarson) 2010 1050-1163 42-44   For irrigated areas
Pusa Mustard 26 (NPJ 113) 2011 1481-1895 30-41 J&K, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi & U.P. Suitable for late sown irrigated conditions in rabi season.
Pusa Mustard 27 (EJ 17) 2011 1437-1659 40-45 U.P., M.P., Uttarakhand & Rajasthan Suitable for early sown irrigated conditions & for multiple cropping
PBR-357 2011 1373-3819 35.8-41.5 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu, Rajasthan Timely sown irrigated conditions
RLC-2 (ELM 123) 2011/2012 2039-2342 35.2-40.2 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu, Rajasthan Superior oil quality
Pusa Mustard 28 (NPJ-124) 2012 1912-2098 40-42.8 Delhi, Haryana, J & K, Punjab, Rajasthan, & UP Early sown
Coral 437 (HY) 2012 1831-2581 39.2-41.2 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, J & K, Rajasthan Hybrid, WRE resistant
PR 20061 (Pant rai 19) 2012 1831-2511 40.9-41.8 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu, Rajasthan Tolerant to high temperature at early stage
PBR-378 2012/2016 1228-3484 37.7-41.9 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu, Rajasthan Timely sown rainfed conditions
RH 0406 2013 2200-2300 38-40 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab & Rajasthan Bold seeded lodging resistant
Raj Vijay Mustard-2 (JMWR 08-3) 2013 1276-1874 37.1-41.2 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu, Rajasthan Moderately resistant to white rust
Divya-33 2013 1699-3560 36-40.7 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Rajasthan Tolerant to high temperature, Suitable timely sown irrigated condition.
RH 0749 2013 2400-2800 39-39.5 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Rajasthan Timely sown irrigated condition
PM 29 (LET-36) 2013 1927-2568 30-39.8 Delhi, Haryana, J&K, Punjab, Rajasthan Timely sown irrigated condition
PM 30 (LET-43) 2013 1564-2238 36-39.4 UP, Uttarkhand, MP, Rajasthan Low erucic acid, timely sown irrigated condition.
RRN 573 2013 2072 41.58 Rajasthan Irrigated normal sown condition
Giriraj (DRMRIJ31) 2013 2246-2767 38.7-42.5 Delhi, Haryana, Jammu, Punjab and Rajasthan Large seed
RGN 229 2013 2162-2568 37.8-42.1 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu& Kashmir, Rajasthan Tolerant to high temperature and salinity during seedling stage.
RGN-236 2013 1485-1808 36.3-40.8 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu& Kashmir, Rajasthan Tolerant to high temperature and salinity during seedling stage
GM-3 2015 1661-2811 38-40 Gujarat Irrigated conditions, tolerant high temperature.
GDM-4 2015 1850-3031 38-39 Gujarat Irrigated conditions, High Yield, Bold seed, Tolerant to PM & aphids
Albeli-1 2015 2133 41 Rajasthan, UP, MP & Uttarakhand Irrigated condition
Pant Rai-20 2012/2015 2500-3000 40 Uttarakhand, High temperature tolerance at maturity, suitable for irrigated/rainfed timely sown condition
PBR-357 2015 2039-2342 35-40 Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi Bold seeded
RGN-298 2015 2172 40 Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu& Kashmir, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh Suitable for rainfed condition
Gujarat Dantiwada Mustard 5 (GDM-5) 2016 2081-2360 38.0-41.4 Punjab,Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi High yield, High Oil content, tolerant to lodging and shattering
RLC-3 2016 2175-2435 41.5 Irrigated condition of Punjab White rust immunity variety
RVM-1 2017 1389-2019 40-43 Madhya Pradesh Suitable for rainfed condition
CS-58 2017 1734-2168 38-40 Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh Salinity tolerant
Pant RAi-17 2017 2500-3000 40 Uttarakhand Irrigated timely sown condition
Pant Rai 21 2017     Uttarakhand  
Pusa Double Zero Mustard 31 (PDZ-1) 2018 2234 40.7 Delhi, Punjab, Haryana,  Jammu & Northern Rajasthan Low erucic acid and low glucosinolate
RH-725 2018 2500-2600 40 Jammu, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Northern Rajasthan Timely sown rainfed condition
CS-60 2018 1900-2200 40 Haryana, Punjab, UP & Rajasthan Suitable salt affected soil and salainity water condition
RSPR-69 2019 1990 39 Jammu Sutbale for irrigated and rainfed condition
TBM-204 (Trombay boda mustard) 2019     West Bengal  
RH-761 2019 2500-2600 40 Delhi, Punjab, Haryana,  Jammu & Northern Rajasthan Suitbale timely sonw rainfed condition
Azad Mahak )KMR (E)15-2 2020 2047 42 Uttar Pradesh &Tolerant high temperature;

Yellow Sarson

Variety Year of Release Yield Potential (Kg/ha) Oil content (%) Recommended states/regions situations Safety features/traits
Pant Sweta 2017 1600-2000 45 Uttarakhand Suitabe forsowing in October under irrigated condition.
Pant Girija 2020 1400-1700 45 Uttarakhand Medium Maturity


Variety Year of Release Yield Potential (Kg/ha) Oil content (%) Recommended states/regions situations Safety features/traits
Pitambri (RYSK-05-02) 2010     Central  
Uttara 2010 1000 42 Uttarakhand plains Moderately resistant to white rust, downey and powdery mildew
Sushree 2015 1381 42 Odisha Suitablefor late sown
TL-17 2016 1300 42 Punjab Suitable for multiple cropping systems
Pant Hill Toria-1 2017 900.1200 42 Uttarakhand Suitable for sowing under rainfed conditions
Pant Toria-508 2017 1600-1900 42 Uttarakhand Suitbale for sowing in September under irrigated condition
Raj Vijay Toria 1 2017 1276-1874 41 Madhya Pradesh Tolerant to drought, suitable for irrigated and rainfed condition
Tapeswari 2018 1350-1400 42 Uttar Pradesh Recommended for extra early sowing, tolerant to drought & fog
Tripura Toria 1 2018 800-900   Tripura Suitable for rainfed upland and lowland after kharif and perform well under residual moisture condition.
RSPT-6 2019 1130 43 Jammu Region Moderately resistant to white rust
Azad Chatana (TKM-14-2) 2020 1440 42 Uttar Pradesh Early maturity

Brown Sarson

Variety Year of Release Yield Potential (Kg/ha) Oil content (%) Recommended states/regions situations Safety features/traits
HPBS-1 2018 1000-1200   Himachal Pradesh Suitable for rainfed farming in late September-October in low and mid hills of HP
Shalimar Sarson-2 (KBS-49) 2019     Jammu & Kashmir  
Shalimar Sarson-3 (KBS-3) 2019 900-1200 40-45 Himachal Pradesh Resistant to white rust and cold tolerant


Variety Year of Release Yield Potential (Kg/ha) Oil content (%) Recommended states/regions situations Safety features/traits

Vallabha Taramira1 (PUT 93-11)
2011 616-1133 38-40 Uttar Pradesh Moderately resistant to alternate blight and aphid
Jobner Tara (RTM-1351) 2017 1300-1500 40 Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, UP, Gujarat, Delhi, Uttarakhand and Maharashtra Suitable for rainfed condition
Jwala Tara (RTM-1355) 2017 1300-1400 39 Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, UP, MP, Gujarat and Delhi. Suitable for rainfed condition

Gobhi Sarson

Variety Year of Release Yield Potential (Kg/ha) Oil content (%) Recommended states/regions situations Safety features/traits
RSPN-25 2015 1595 39 Jammu Esistance to lodging
GSC-7 2015 1911-2190 42 Punjab, Haryana, HP, Jammu & Kashmir and Rajasthan Canola quality variety
ONK-1 2019 693-1789 42    
  • Source: Seed Division, GOI Website (seednet.gov.in) & ICAR Institutes.